#ElvisEnergyExperiment: Talk It Out

We’re exploring energy. How it affects us physically, mentally and spiritually. We have hooked up with a series of experts who will set an experiment every month to help us discover a way of managing our energy.

We all know how to look after our bodies by exercising and eating well, but few of us do the same for our minds. So, in May we’re going to explore the impact walking and talking can have on our mental energy by getting out there to walk and talk about topics and issues that are important to us. We’ll be looking at how this can help us to get clearer on what’s important to us, help us to process complex situations and even help reduce stress levels.

Research shows that walking opens up the free flow of ideas, and it’s a simple way to increase creativity. According to research from California State University, it can also improve energy and mood. Something we’re super excited about exploring…

Our expert to guide us through how best to get out there and start walking and talking this month is our very own Chris Barez-Brown. Chris is the creator of Talk It Out, a technique we have recently launched as a Social Enterprise. We’ve been researching Talk It Out with Bristol University and have found that 85% of people who took part felt better afterwards and as though a weight had been lifted from their shoulders.

So, for the next 4 weeks, we’re going to be doing a Talk It Out session, once a week each week, giving us the other 6 days that week to process what we learnt during the walk and land the impact those learnings have for us in our work and life. We’ll be sharing this all with you as we go too…

Talk It Out works like this:

  • Find a buddy and somewhere to go for a walk together and chose a topic you each want to get some clarity on.
  • After you’ve met up, one of you becomes Person A and the other, imaginatively is Person B!
  • Person A walks and talks at person B, uncensored and constantly about an issue they face in work or life in general. Do this for 20 minutes.
  • Person B listens actively, encouraging Person A to keep going but doesn’t talk– just listens regardless of what they say. Person B looks and listens for changes in the energy of person A as they talk about their chosen topic.
  • After 20 mins, spend a bit of time landing where Person A got to and what were the things they talked about that created the biggest change in their energy. Nice chat to have.
  • Now swap, and Person B talks to Person A for 20 minutes, as you go for another walk and repeat the technique the other way around.

You can find out more and watch videos from Chris explaining how the technique works and how to use it here: https://www.uppingyourelvis.com/talk-it-out or @talkitouttogether

We’re be kicking things off in week one with a Talk It Out session on life and what we’re hungry to achieve in our lives. Join us on this and try it out for yourself.

We’ll then be sharing inspiration for topics you could run a a Talk It Out session on throughout May, so if you’re joining us on this month’s experiment don’t worry if you don’t have a burning brief at the ready. The important thing is you get out there and see how it works for you.

Now let’s get out there and start walking and talking…!

Big Love

The Upping Your Elvis team

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