The Upping Your Elvis Podcast: Episode 15
Chris and Jim chat to Joe Ryle about our latest #ElvisEnergyExperiment where we've been testing a 4 day week impacts on our energy and makes everything becomes easier, more fun, and more successful.
Joe from 4dayweek.co.uk tells us how a 4 day week is proven to be great for our wellbeing as we get the time and space to focus on our lives outside of work, but it’s also a winner when it comes to getting stuff done, with trials by big companies such as Microsoft in Japan and Buffer in the US showing that a four-day week creates a huge boost to people’s productivity.
And if that wasn’t enough to convince us to give it a go, it’s good for the planet too…. with research showing that a four-day week could reduce the UK's carbon footprint by 127 million tonnes per year - the equivalent of taking 27 million cars off the road!!!
It's fair to say this has been a game changer.
Have a listen and see how adopting a 4 day week might be something for you to try and improve your wellbeing.