The Upping Your Elvis Podcast: Episode 3
We've been chatting to Tanya Goodin about how we can bring a sense of balance and digital wellbeing to our lives.
Upping Your Elvis is all about energy. In 2019 we are exploring how our energy affects us physically, mentally and spiritually. We have hooked up with a series of experts who will set an experiment every month to help us discover a way of managing our energy.
Tanya Goodin is an award-winning digital entrepreneur, digital detox evangelist, tech ethicist, and author.
For 20+ years she was founder and CEO of one of the UK’s first digital marketing agencies, now she’s a digital consultant to brands and schools and founder of digital detox movement Time To Log Off and podcast 'Its complicated'.
Have a listen below and follow us @uppingyourelvis for more Energy Experiments...