The Upping Your Elvis Podcast: Episode 20

Chris and Jim chat to nutritional therapist and health coach Harry Hewetson about our latest #ElvisEnergyExperiment where we’ve been giving our energy a huge boost by taking part in a health re-set.

Good nutrition is the difference between surviving and thriving. Our bodies are beautifully complex and amazing organisms that need loads of different nutrients to thrive. We could survive for a while on coffee, processed food, and take-aways but sooner or later it’ll catch-up with us and our ‘engines’ will simply break down.

This month’s Podcast is with the brilliant Harry Hewetson, who's philosophy embraces the imperfect, focussing on the power of small, achievable changes…

No diets. No denial. No calorie counting.

Have a listen as Chris and Jim discuss the experiment and explore great nutrition with Harry Hewetson.

And… why not give it a go yourself?