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Find your Elvis

January 11, 2023

Busy is easy

I must thank David Hieatt for bringing this quote to my attention.

It really is a corker

Busyness is a drug and is as addictive as crack. 

When we're busy, we get caught up on a wave of dopaminethat makes us feel excited, needed and productive.

The nature of busyness is that when we are running from onething to the next, we are rarely aware and therefore spend most of our time andenergy doing the wrong stuff.

 It’s a terrible waste of life and talent.

 To break this addiction, you must know what the right stuff is


We are all unique. 

We all have our own quirks and kinks that make us who we are.

Those idiosyncrasies are what makes us magical.

But to be truly dangerous we need to understand what theyare and how we harness them for good.

When we use our time and our efforts on things that give ustrue meaning; we unlock a potential that can only realise extraordinary impact.


Our new workshop, Find your Elvis is designed to do just that.

Not only is it a rehab for business addicts; it's a retreat designed to help you reflect on and then engage with your very core.

You can then be absolutely sure about how you want to use this so limited time on this planet, and you are beautifully and energetically aligned to do so.


This is not a workshop for the faint hearted but purely for the brave

It's for those who don't want to just take up space but want to create their own life legacy. 

its for those who want to count.

If that sounds like you, then maybe it's time for you to Find Your Elvis...

Check it out here.